Tuesday, March 31, 2009


i had a friend named micah in my first grade class, he lived behind me and had a few older sisters. they would come to church sometimes but i don't think their parents ever came with them, actually i think they only lived with their dad, but i am not sure.
we used to talk to them through the back fence, there was one fence post missing so we could see each other but not fit through.
once they showed us all these treasures they had found; bubble gum, binaca, sunflower seeds, coins, candy.
they said they had gone "pick-pocketing" in the church coat closet during primary.
it sounded like a fun game to me, too bad my parents made me go to primary.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

clay pigeon

my dad brought sam a clay pigeon from a scout activity once.
sam put it on a ledge in the garden.
and i accidently knocked it off and it broke (they break easily) 
he was mad

sorry sam :)

flying orb

on winter mornings our dad would sometimes come tell us a flying orb had landed on our porch in the night.
we would run out to the porch and see it there, a frozen orb of ice sitting on the corner. 
we would laugh and look at it until someone pushed it off the porch so it would crash on the ground below.
and wait for the next time it would land on our porch.
i never knew where the orbs came from. i thought that my dad found them or that they really landed there. 

a few years ago i realized that the "orbs" were just the water from sadies water dish, that had frozen in the night.

dog # 2

our neighbors to the south (we weren't allowed to go in their house, i used to think i was because it was messy, later i learned it was because of something..else. but i would sit on the porch with the mom and do "cross-stitch" on those plastic grids)
had a scary cocker spaniel. i was scared of it because it was mean.
once she had puppies, and didn't care about them. i remeber helping one of the girls look around the yard for the puppies that had been dropped. we watched one die, on a heating pad on our front porch. but one survived, and we got it. her name was sadie, and she was crazy. 
she lived in the backyard.
she jumped on everyone.
and chewed off her leash once to get away.
after awhile we had to find a new home for her. 
she went to live with a nice gay couple in salt lake, where i hear she is very happy. and has a different name for some reason.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


they lived next door to us. 
they had every movie ever( including the great mouse detective and thumbelina). 
and a trampoline
and more toys than us
and a giant fish tank
and a huge metal playground that their dad had welded together for them.
and there dogs always ran away, first it was mitzy (the scariest dog i have ever seen) and then a golden retreiver.
their mom did quilts
and was friends with our mom.
their dad drove a frito lay truck, that was parked at the end of the cul-de-sac
so they always had chips, and other chip paraphenalia
also they always had kool-aid

mr. stringham

before we even moved into our house in orem we had a realtor named mr. stringham. 
i always thought he looked like president monson. he had a fancy car and always wore a suit. my mom, sam, and i would go all over town looking for houses with him.  
the only house that really stands out in my memory was the house with the slide, and the really tall ladder that led to the second floor. 
i was always disappointed that we didn't move there.