Tuesday, February 3, 2009


i went to kindergarten for one week. i already knew how to read (with the help of some hep cats) and so i was a little bit bored. 
one day, just as we were starting an art project (gluing a piece of string to a paper balloon) someone came and got me and took me into a room. the room had lots of posters about divorce and about fighting parents and child abuse. i am guessing it was the counselors office. 
they asked me a bunch of questions about letters and what they said. the letters they were showing me were on this printout with lots of other words on it, instead of just a card with the letter Aa. so every time the counselor asked me "and what does this say" i said "i don't know" because i couldn't read what the small words on the page said. apparently they told my mom that i wasn't reading at as high of level as they expected, but somehow she must of convinced them that i did indeed know what the letter A said and so they moved me up to 1st grade. 
only no one explained all this to me. 
one day i was in kindergarten, singing songs and talking about the weather with my teacher (who had to be at least 80! ask my brother he had her the next year) and the next day i was in a big classroom full of kids and i had my own desk and "tote" under it and instead of my nice grandma-ish teacher mrs. larsen i had a poofy curly white blonde scary teacher ms. liligran. 
she really liked bears. 
the first few weeks were a bit traumatic for me. 

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