Tuesday, February 3, 2009


in first grade we moved from class to class for science and art and music and PE. and did english and math and things like that with our own teacher. 
i was fine with my own teacher, but when it was time to go to science class i was not fine. 
the science teacher was mrs. christiansen. 
her room was hot
her room was very unorganized
and she weighed about 300 pounds.
i was terrified of her. and i never knew what was going on in science class. there were never clear directions on how to do things, and we would start one project without finishing the other. 
everyday i would cry and cry in that class. it is funny to think about it now because i think, well obviously i would cry, i was a tiny kid(a kindergartener) and i had no idea what was going on and my teacher was scary. 
but at that time i didn't think of myself as a little kid, and i didn't like crying, but i couldn't help it. i knew i shouldn't be crying, none of the other kids did. 
one science experiment i remember was seeing how many drops of water we could put on a penny, before the surface tension broke. a kid in my class (jordan?) kept putting drops of water in his mouth even though he wasn't supposed to. and that made me upset and so i was crying and my teacher (who was at least 10 times bigger than me i swear, she was probably 6'10) asked what was wrong and i said i was hot. so she put the fan on me (she was probably a nice lady). i wasn't really hot though, just embarassed that i was crying. 
finally my mom told me that i couldn't cry at school anymore. and to just say a prayer before science class so everything would be alright. 
i did.
and it was. 
and i haven't cried in science class since.  (not even dr. woodfields chemistry class, although he would probably consider it a triumph)

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