Monday, January 12, 2009

living room, bedroom, kitchen

we used to do exercises with my dad every night. we would crab walk across the living room, then worm crawl, then do sit ups and push ups and things like that. 
we had a really big living room i think. one side was all these glass windows and a sliding door. and the other side (next to the front door) had a "stage" it used to be a big planter box ( in the living room... classy) that the lady before us had fake trees in and was also used as a built in cat litter box... my mom covered it and used it as storage. i even remember when she painted it white, i asked if i could help and went and got my very small paintbrush and it made a gray mark on the stage because it wasn't very clean. 
we used to dance on the stage or make it into a covered wagon, using the clothes drying rack, and play pioneers. 
i remember my bedroom very differently than it actually was, according to my mom. 
i remember it as scary. 
it had a picture of a "scary prince"  the room was dark wood and always seemed dark to me, my mom's little ladybug stool was in there, which wasn't scary, but sitting on top of it was a scary doll with curly hair and a cigar. i guess it was a groucho marx. that doll is still in my parent's basement and it is still scary, just ask my sisters, or jon, or anyone. 
once my mom gave me a big box of makeup to play with in my room, by myself. i think it ended up being messy but i don't remember that. all i remember is wondering where that box went and looking for it for a long time afterwards.
our kitchen had doors that swung both ways. i ate pizza in there for the first time. my mom told me that the sauce was ketchup. 

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